Free file upload from CLI is a very popular service used for uploading files with a short life. It is used mostly in automation pipelines, as it allows uploading via curl. You can find the script on GitHub if you ever decide to host one instance yourself.

Most important features supported by this amazing instance I find being:

  • Upload using curl
$ curl --upload-file <FILE> http(s)://<DOMAIN>
  • Inline dowload, please pay attention to the inline keyword used when constructing the link. Usually used for PDF/TXT files.
  • Direct download link, via the get keyword when constructing the download link
  • Setting the maximum number of downloads, after which the file and link will be discarded is achieved by setting the following HTTP header:
$ curl -H "Max-Downloads: 1"
  • Setting the maximum number of days, after which the file and link will be discarded is achieved in a similar fashion, with a different HTTP header:
$ curl -H "Max-Days: 5"

Below you can find a list with alternative websites which have been set-up using the same GitHub script provided earlier:

Location: Netherlands

Location: United Kingdom

Location: United States of America

Location: United States of America

Location: United States of America

Location: Vietnam